Personal statement

Hi, I am a 17 years old tech enthusiast and android developer from Odisha, India who is currently studying in 11th grade. My present career aim is to work within IT because I enjoy working with computers, I enjoy the environment and I find the work interesting and satisfying. The opportunity to learn new skills and work with new technologies is particularly attractive to me.

I love to code. I used to work on Android firmwares and applications. I also enjoy to develop website templates in my free time.

Education & Certification

Board of Higher Secondary Education

Samanta Chandra Sekhar Junior College, Puri, Odisha


Indian Certificate of Secondary Education

Blessed Sacrament High School, Puri, Odisha


Technical skills


65% Complete (success)


85% Complete


60% Complete (warning)


30% Complete (danger)


- Work hard in silence
Let your Lamborghini make the noise.